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Pierre's Promise of the Deep
Join Pierre LePockets on a rhyming adventure in his oversized jacket, magical pockets, and baggy shorts! When a favorite toy falls into the ocean, Pierre dives into an extraordinary underwater world. Along the way, he befriends Finn and sets out to recover a lost treasure, teaching young readers the importance of keeping promises. This splashy tale is sure to inspire and delight!
“This is a magical book that both young and old will love. The beautifully drawn character of Pierre takes us on a journey filled with determination, discovery, and redemption. Through his adventures, we learn valuable life lessons that are both inspiring and uplifting. James-Scott’s passion for changing the world, one step at a time, is evident not only in his professional work but also in his enchanting book series. With its captivating illustrations, this book leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next life lesson James-Scott’s upcoming adventures will unveil.”
– Martin Cross, author of "Olympic Obsession"

Throughout Pierre’s Promise of the Deep, you will notice a pink rhino hidden inside to bring awareness to the Rhino Momma Project, a nonprofit organization in Namibia dedicated to conserving and expanding the white rhino population. James-Scott serves as a Board member and is passionate about conservation. A portion of the book’s proceeds will be donated to the Rhino Momma Project.